WSU 4-digit delivery codes
The address for each University department contains a unique 4-digit delivery code. It appears in two places:
- As the last 4 digits of the PO Box number
- As the 4-digit extended zip code
For example, the address for Washington State Magazine, which has a campus delivery code of 1227, looks like this: PO Box 641227, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-1227.
Group | Delivery code |
Admissions | 1067 |
Agricultural Research Center | 6240 |
Agriculture and Home Economics Alumni and Development | 6228 |
Ag Weather Net | 6232 |
Air Force ROTC | 3341 |
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program | 7620 |
Alumni Association | 6150 |
Alumni Relations | 6150 |
Animal Health Library | 5610 |
Animal Reproduction | 6353 |
Animal Science Nutrition | 6351 |
Animal Sciences Physiology | 6353 |
Animal Sciences, Department of | 6310 |
Anthropology, Department of | 4910 |
Apparel, Merchandising, Design, and Textiles, Department of | 6406 |
Architecture Library | 2210 |
Army ROTC | 5040 |
Arts & Sciences, College of, Development Office | 3528 |
Arts and Sciences, College of | 2630 |
Arts and Sciences, College of, Administrative Office | 2630 |
Arts and Sciences, College of, Social Sciences Division | 4841 |
Arts and Sciences, College of, Wilson-Short Division Office | 4871 |
Asia Program | 4030 |
Asian American and Pacific Islander Student Center (Compton Union Building) | 7204 |
Assessment of Teaching and Learning, Office of | 4550 |
Associated Students of Washington State University (ASWSU) | 7204 |
Astronomy Program | 2814 |
Athletics | 1602 |
Athletics Ticket Office | 1625 |
Attorney General, Office of the | 1031 |
Basic Medical Sciences Program (WWAMI) | 3510 |
Beasley Coliseum | 1710 |
Benefit Services | 1024 |
Biochemistry and Biophysics, Program in | 7520 |
Biological Chemistry, Institute of (IBC) | 7411 |
Biological Sciences, School of | 4236 |
Biological Systems Engineering, Department of | 6120 |
Biomedical Communications Unit (BCU) | 7013 |
Brain Education Library | 5610 |
Budget Office | 1041 |
Business, Carson College Graduate and Online Programs | 3615 |
Business, Carson College of | 4750 |
CAHNRS (College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences) | 6242 |
CAHNRS Alumni and Friends | 6228 |
CAHNRS Business and Finance | 6241 |
CAHNRS Business Services | 6235 |
CAHNRS Cashiers Office | 6241 |
CAHNRS Computing and Web Resources | 6234 |
CAHNRS Information Department | 6248 |
CAHNRS Academic Programs | 6243 |
Campus Veterinarian, Office of the | 1165 |
Capital Planning and Development | 1150 |
Cashier's Office | 1039 |
CDADIC (Center for Design of Analog-Digital Integrated Circuits) | 2780 |
Center for Environmental Research, Education, and Outreach (CEREO) | 5825 |
Center for Transformational Learning and Leadership | 4852 |
Central Receiving and Delivery, Supply Management Services | 1120 |
Central Stores, Supply Management Services | 1190 |
Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering, Voiland School of | 6515 |
Chemistry, Department of | 4630 |
Chancellor's Office | 5230 |
Chicana/o Latina/o Student Center (Compton Union Building) | 7204 |
Child Care Resource and Referral | 3454 |
Childrens Center, WSU | 3454 |
Chinook Student Center | 5400 |
Chinook Yearbook | 2510 |
Civic Engagement, Center for (Compton Union Building) | 7204 |
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of | 2910 |
Clark Hall Business Center | 6384 |
College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) | 1064 |
Commercialization, Office of | 1060 |
Communication, Edward R. Murrow College of | 2520 |
Community Service Learning Center | 7204 |
Composite Materials and Engineering Center | 5815 |
Compton Union Building (CUB) | 7204 |
Conference Management | 5222 |
Connor Museum of Zoology | 4236 |
Controllers Office | 1025 |
Cooperative Extension Services | 6248 |
Cooperative Extension Services Bulletins Office | 5912 |
Cougar Health Services | 2302 |
CougarCard Center (Compton Union Building) | 7204 |
CougPrints Plus (Compton Union Building) | 7204 |
Counseling and Psychological Services | 2302 |
Creamery | 1122 |
Criminal Justice and Criminology, Department of | 4011 |
Crop and Soil Sciences, Department of | 6420 |
CUE Advising Center | 4555 |
Daily Evergreen | 2510 |
Dairy Center | 6310 |
Data Analytics | 3528 |
Dean of Students | 1013 |
Design and Construction, School of | 2220 |
Design and Printing Services (Cooper Publications Building) | 5910 |
Digital Technology and Culture, Department of | 3528 |
Dining Services | 6005 |
Disability Resource Center | 2322 |
Diversity Education | 5501 |
Economic Sciences, School of | 6210 |
Economics, Department of | 6210 |
Education, College of | 2114 |
Education, College of, Office of Recruitment and Retention | 2152 |
Educational Leadership, Sport Studies, and Educational/Counseling Psychology, Deptartment of | 2136 |
Educational Telecommunications and Technology | 2530 |
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, School of | 2752 |
Electron Microscopy Center | 4210 |
Elson S. Floyd Cultural Center | 3301 |
Energy Plant | 1050 |
Engineering and Architecture Business and Finance | 2718 |
Engineering and Architecture, College of | 2250 |
Engineering and Architecture, College of, Undergraduate Programs and Student Services | 2713 |
Engineering and Technology Management, Program in | 2785 |
English, Department of | 5020 |
Enterprise Systems Group | 1222 |
Entomology, Department of | 6382 |
Entrepreneurial Studies, Center for | 4743 |
Environment, School of the | 2812 |
Environmental Health and Safety, Department of | 1172 |
Environmental Research Center | 2812 |
ESQ, Poe Studies | 5020 |
Extended Degree Programs | 5220 |
Extended University Services | 5210 |
Extension Natural Resources | 6410 |
Extension Publishing | 5912 |
Facilities Development | 1150 |
Facilities ServicesOperations | 1150 |
Faculty Senate | 1038 |
Ferdinands Ice Cream Shoppe | 6392 |
Finance and Administration | 1045 |
Finance and Management Science, Department of | 4746 |
Fine Arts, Department of | 7450 |
Fischer Agricultural Sciences Library | 5610 |
Foley Institute for Public Policy and Public Service | 5136 |
Food Science, School of | 6376 |
Food Services | 1162 |
Football Operations Building | 1615 |
Franceschi Microscopy and Imaging Center | 4210 |
Fraternity and Sorority Life, Center for (Compton Union Building) | 7204 |
Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies | 4007 |
Gender Identity Expression and Sexual Orientation Resource Center (Compton Union Building) | 7204 |
General Accounting | 1025 |
General Education | 4519 |
General Storage | 1101 |
Genetics and Cell Biology, Program in | 7520 |
Global Animal Health, Paul G. Allen School of | 7090 |
Global Campus, WSU | 5220 |
Golf Course (Palouse Ridge Golf Club) | 1045 |
Governmental Studies and Services, Division of | 6233 |
Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) | 7204 |
Graduate School | 1030 |
Greek Council (Compton Union Building) | 7204 |
Health Professions Student Center | 4551 |
Health Sciences Library | 5610 |
Heritage House | 5501 |
High School Equivalency Program | 1062 |
History, Department of | 4030 |
Holland Library | 5610 |
Honors College | 2012 |
Horticulture, Department of | 6414 |
Hospitality Business Management | 4736 |
Housing and Dining Financial Services | 1722 |
Housing and Dining Maintenance | 1162 |
Housing Services | 1726 |
Human Development, Department of | 4852 |
Human Resource Services | 1014 |
Human Rights, Center for | 1022 |
IMPACT Center | 6214 |
Information Technology Services | 1222 |
Innovation and Research Engagement Office | 3610 |
Institutional Research | 1043 |
Pullman Integrated Academic Technologies | 5604 |
Integrated Biotechnology, Center for | 7521 |
Integrative Physiology and Neuroscience, Department of | 7620 |
Intellectual Property Administration, Office of | 1060 |
Intensive American Language Center | 3251 |
Interior Design, Department of | 2220 |
Internal Audit, Office of | 1221 |
International Business Institute | 4730 |
International Center (Compton Union Building) | 7204 |
International Programs | 5121 |
International Programs, Admissions | 5115 |
International Programs, Global Services | 5110 |
Intramural Sports Office | 7204 |
Kinesiology and Leisure Studies, Department of | 1410 |
KZUU Radio (Compton Union Building) | 7204 |
Laboratory for Atmospheric Research | 5845 |
Languages, Cultures, and Race, School of | 2610 |
Leadership Programs | 7204 |
Libraries, WSU | 5610 |
Linguistics Program | 5020 |
Mailing Services | 5910 |
Management, Information Systems, and Entrepreneurship, Department of | 4743 |
Marketing and Communications, University | 1227 |
Marketing and International Business, Department of | 4730 |
Materials and Resources Management | 1101 |
Materials Research, Center for | 2711 |
Materials Science, Program in | 2711 |
Mathematics, Department of | 3113 |
McNair Achievement Program | 1064 |
Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Department of | 2920 |
Microbiology, Program in | 7520 |
Middle Eastern Student Association (Compton Union Building) | 7204 |
Military Science (Army ROTC) | 5040 |
Molecular Biosciences, School of | 7520 |
Motor Pool | 1075 |
Multicultural Student Services, Office of (Compton Union Building) | 7204 |
Murrow Student Services | 2530 |
Museum of Art WSU, Jordan Schnitzer | 7301 |
Music, School of | 5300 |
Muslim Student Association (Compton Union Building) | 7204 |
Native American Student Center (Compton Union Building) | 7204 |
Natural Resource Sciences, Department of | 6410 |
Neuroscience, Program in | 7620 |
New Student Programs | 1062 |
Nuclear Science Center | 1300 |
Nursing, College of, Spokane | 5291 |
Nutrition, Graduate Program in | 6376 |
Observatory (Jewett) | 3113 |
Ombudsman, University | 1015 |
Outdoor Recreation Center | 7204 |
Owen Science and Engineering Library | 5610 |
Ownbey Herbarium | 4236 |
Payroll Services | 1024 |
People-Pet Partnership | 7010 |
Photography Services | 5610 |
Physics and Astronomy, Department of | 2814 |
Planetarium | 3113 |
Plant Growth Facilities | 6003 |
Plant Introduction Unit, USDA | 6402 |
Plant Materials Center | 6420 |
Plant Pathology, Department of | 6430 |
Plant Services | 1075 |
Police, WSU | 1072 |
Politics, Philosophy, and Public Affairs, Department of | 4880 |
Pre-nursing Advising | 4551 |
President, Office of the | 1048 |
Procedures, Records, and Forms, Office of | 1225 |
Provost, Office of the | 1046 |
Psychology Clinic | 4820 |
Psychology, Department of | 4820 |
Public Safety (Fire, Police) | 1072 |
Purchasing Services | 1020 |
Radiation Safety Office | 3143 |
Radio-Television Services | 2530 |
Real Estate Research, Washington Center for | 4746 |
Recycling, University | 1101 |
Re-entry Program | 1066 |
Registrar, Office of the | 1035 |
Reproductive Biology, Center for | 7521 |
Research Advancement and Partnerships | 1060 |
Research and Technology Park, WSU | 1060 |
Research Operations and Support, Office of | 1060 |
Research, Office of | 1060 |
Residence Hall Association (Compton Union Building) | 7204 |
Residence Life | 1724 |
Risk Management | 1023 |
Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association | 2610 |
Scholarship Services, Office of | 1069 |
Science Learning Instructional Center (SLIC) | 4236 |
Science Math. Engineering Education Center (SMEEC) | 4236 |
Sciences Advising (Premed., Predent., and Prevet.) | 4551 |
Seed House | 6420 |
Seed Technology Laboratory | 6420 |
Shock Physics, Institute for | 2816 |
Small Business Development Center (SBDC) | 1802 |
Smart Start Program (Compton Union Building) | 7204 |
Social and Economic Sciences Research Center (SESRC) | 4014 |
Social and Economic Sciences Research Center Public Opinion Lab | 1801 |
Sociology, Department of | 4020 |
Speech and Hearing Sciences, Department of | 2420 |
Spokane Falls Community College (Pullman Campus) | 2451 |
Sponsored Programs Services | 1025 |
Statistics, Program in | 3144 |
Steam Plant | 1150 |
Student Advising and Learning Center | 1064 |
Student Affairs Marketing and Communications (Compton Union Building) | 7204 |
Student Affairs, Division of | 1066 |
Student Conduct, Office of | 1013 |
Student Entertainment Board (Compton Union Building) | 7204 |
Student Financial Services | 1068 |
Student Health Center | 2302 |
Student Involvement (Compton Union Building) | 7204 |
Student Legal Services (Compton Union Building) | 7204 |
Student Media, Office of | 2510 |
Student Publications | 2510 |
Student Support Services (TRiO) | 1064 |
Student Veteran Services (Compton Union Building) | 7204 |
Students Book Corporation (The Bookie) | 7207 |
Summer Session | 5210 |
Surplus Stores | 1101 |
Teaching and Learning, Department of | 2132 |
Teaching, Learning, and Technology, Center for | 4550 |
Technical Services (College of Arts and Sciences) | 2801 |
Transportation Services | 5500 |
Travel Services | 1025 |
Tri-Cities, WSU | 1671 |
Undergraduate Education, Office of | 4519 |
Undergraduate Research, Office of | 4532 |
United States Department of Agriculture | 6221 |
University Advancement | 1925 |
University Receivables | 1039 |
University Recreation | 1830 |
University Stores, Supply Management Services | 1190 |
USDA Administration | 6221 |
USDA Agricultural Research Service, Grain Legume Genetics and Physiology Research Unit | 6434 |
USDA Animal Disease Research Unit | 6630 |
USDA Grain Legume Genetics and Physiology Research | 6434 |
USDA Northwest Sustainable Agroecosystem Research | 6421 |
USDA Plant Germplasm Introduction and Testing | 6402 |
USDA Root Disease and Biological Control Research | 6430 |
USDA Western Wheat Quality Laboratory | 6394 |
USDA Wheat Genetics, Quality, Physiology, and Disease | 6420 |
Vancouver, WSU | 9600 |
Veterans and Military Affiliated Services | 5615 |
Veterinary Clinical Sciences | 6610 |
Veterinary Medicine, College of | 7010 |
Veterinary Medicine, College of, Admissions | 7012 |
Veterinary Microbiology and Pathology | 7040 |
Veterinary Teaching Hospital | 7060 |
Vice President for Finance and Administration | 1045 |
Vice President of International Programs | 5130 |
Vice President of Marketing and Communications | 1040 |
Vice President of Student Affairs | 1066 |
Visitor Center, Brelsford WSU | 1912 |
Washington Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (WADDL) | 7034 |
Washington State Magazine | 1227 |
Waste Management | 1101 |
Water Research Center | 5825 |
Wellness Programs | 2302 |
Western Journal of Black Studies | 2103 |
Western Wheat Quality Laboratory | 6394 |
Wilson-Short Service Center | 4013 |
Womens Studies Program | 4007 |
Women's Center | 4005 |
Writing Program | 4530 |
WSU Foundation | 1925 |
WSU Online Administrative Services | 5210 |
WSU Press | 5910 |