Reflecting on 2021

Here we are, at the end of another year, and we wanted to take a moment to reflect on 2021.

What began in January as hope for things to return to “normal” melted into months going by without much change on the pandemic front; our office remained open, providing our services to the best of our ability.

Behind the scenes, we were working on getting a new print management system off the ground. We had been using the same project ticketing software for over 25 years, but it wasn’t giving us, and more importantly, you, the information you were needing. It was time for a change.

We have reworked the way in which our shop operates to stand up a system that provides faster estimating, a more streamlined way to place an order, a storefront for our standard or ready-to-ship items, and the ability for you, our customers, to track your projects as they work their way through our shop whenever you want!

In June, we were ready to take this system to the next step with a soft public launch. We wanted this to be a collaboration with you, and we are so thankful to the people around the university system who were willing to dive in and help us detect issues that cropped up during this rollout.

In July we began migrating back into our offices at Cooper. We were excited to be back with our production staff who remained in the building throughout the pandemic in order to keep your projects on track.

The season of change wasn’t over; with the closure of the Biomedical Communications Unit (BCU) on the Pullman campus, our unit was asked to step in and cover as many of their services as possible. This connected us to new customers and new projects, and we were excited for the opportunity to serve a broader part of the university community.

Along with equipment and materials we acquired to fill BCU’s shoes, our CougPrints Plus retail location also took on the task of offering passport photos so that could remain a service for people on the Pullman campus.

Now, we are ending the year with setting up a new press, a machine that will continue to print and saddle stitch booklets, but it will also give us the ability to print with silver and white inks. This will take us into a new age of 5-color printing and allow us to offer fun in-house printing options when you want your projects to have something a little extra special.

This year has been one of change and growth. We are grateful for your support, and we look forward to continuing to serve you in 2022. Thank you for working with us.

Happy holidays and Go Cougs!

Design and Printing Services